John and Mary 2
I have known John and Mary for many years, and they are my good friends. I have been there to witness their journey from dating to entering into the bond of marriage.
When we first met, they were just ordinary friends with no special connection. However, we soon noticed that they would both be present in the same place, with a certain special twinkle in their eyes.
John is a good man who is always generous and friendly towards everyone. Mary, on the other hand, is a vibrant, independent woman who always bring joy and laughter to those around her. They quickly discovered that they complemented each other well and became each other's best friends.
I remember when they first started dating, their sweet affection was the envy of everyone around them. John would often bring small gifts for Mary and take her to his favorite concerts or new movies. Mary would prepare delicious meals for John and find ways to relieve him from the fatigue of his workday.
During their first year of dating, we witnessed their growth and deeper understanding of each other. They became better versions of themselves because of each other, more confident and successful in their careers.
In their second year, they began to seriously consider their future goals and aspirations. This new attitude was uncomfortable at first, but as time passed, they understood its importance to their future together.
Finally, John proposed to Mary. He made this sacred moment even more romantic by having a rainbow accompany them. Mary's answer was, of course, a resounding yes, and they began planning for a special and meaningful wedding ceremony.
Now, they have been married for a year. They have established deep connections with their community and take time to do good for others while enjoying every moment of their married life. They are partners and even more so, friends, and I am lucky enough to share in their beautiful journey.
- John and Mary 2
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